Create Grow Make – for the Love Food Film Comp

Create Grow Make – for the Love Food Film Comp

Create Grow Make from Justina Grubski on Vimeo.

Here is the short I helped Create for this years Love Food Film Competition.

To vote for our film in the contest, hit this link and select the video titled Create Grow Make, then simply “Like” it to vote!

This 30 second short film Create Grow Make, offers 3 tips on how to reduce food waste at home, with a link to further information on the topic and the “Love Food Hate Waste” credo.

The film depicts a woman creating objects out of clay to illustrate the tips that appear on screen in text. We decided to use clay because it’s indicative of the physical and creative process of “getting your hands dirty” while making, preparing and growing food. The use of a woman alone also highlights the need for food production and preparation to be a personalized, individual process and not concentrated and autonomous.

Made by: Justina Grubski, Steven Mileski, Liam O’Brien, Celine Roberts